Friday, September 16, 2011

What is the maltiest beer available on the market?

I'm looking for a beer that is extremely malty in taste - something that tastes like liquid bread. I'm not much of a beer fan but know that if I can find a very malty brand of beer then I would be set. I don't like my beer bitter - hate it in fact - and prefer something sweet and smooth in taste. Any suggestions?|||I'd suggest a German Dopplebock, like Ayinger Celebrator. Many German breweries make their beer using a decoction mashing process which brings a bready flavor to the beer. A dopplebock has more alcohol than a standard beer because it started with more malt, thus they'll have a greater malt character than lower alcohol beer from the same brewery.|||Wow there are some terrible answers there! I am assuming you mean craft beer as there are no commercial Bud/Miller/Coors beers that are going to have much malt in them. You do have your tastes mixed up though. Maltier beers have a sweeter caramel like flavor, nothing like bread. Not sure where you live and that will effect my answer. Try Boulder Beer Killer Penquin. It was like liquified caramel. Very strong too. Fullers Vintage ales are very pricey but in the same boat.|||I would recommend Samuel Adams Double Bock. Nice malty in-depth flavor. YUM!

Another good beer would be Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale. Malty w/a nice hop infusion.|||More malt means more sugar which means a higher alcohol strength. So, any beer that has a high alcohol content started with a high malt content|||Try a mild ale from the (English) Midlands. My personal favourite is Holdens brewed near Dudley although good versions are brewed in South Wales %26amp; around Greater Manchester|||Old English|||Budweiser !! its the best !

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