Friday, September 23, 2011

How Can I Make Beer Taste Better?

I am 18, headed off to college and I must say I don't like the taste of beer that much. Certain beers(coors lite) give me such a bitter taste I can't even stand one can. I would appreciate answers ONLY relating to how I can make beer taste better. Anything you guys do to your beers? Please no answers about how I am underage or how I just should't drink beer would be appreciated. Thanks.|||Coors is an awful beer. Try different beers. Squirt a little lime into a Corona -- I love it!|||one day I had a fruit cup and a beer in my hand. Im not much of a beer drinker becuase of the taste but I was trying to get relaxed to sleep. So I took the juice from the berries and poured it in and its not to shabby (in a BL lime). try dark vs light beers, after ur sauced u get used to it lol

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|||As a bartender i would recomend switching beers. Coors lite is a bitter beer... And seeing as how you are only 18 im sure you havent had a chance to get out there and get something better.. But here are a few hints.... Dont go cheap... if you can scrounge a few extra pennies get the better beer. No mgd no naty light. try Yuengling, or Blue Moon is a wheat beer. Or if you want they have a Virginia beer Woodchuck cider.. Its higher in content but very sweet. It looks a little to wimpy though. a company out of colorado has a line out called Flying dog. this brand has many different flavors and styles. It all depends on your taste.

And to all those out there that are harping on him for being 18 Remember this .......... If you are old enough to die for your country you are old enough to drink in it.|||try adding olives or limes to your beer. olives gets rid of the after taste that you may have. Limes on the other had makes the beer taste alittle sweeter.|||ull get use to it....u are still on the coke state ha? u ll get over it soon...and u gonna love beer as it is..

i still use coke in my dinner tho ;-)|||if you don't like the taste of beer you shouldn't try to change it into something it isn't -- just find something else you like better instead. beer is SUPPOSED to taste like beer, hence that is why it is called beer and not, oh, i don't know, Kool-Aid

regarding advice about drinking it really cold ... that is necessary for the average american lager to mask the lack of flavor; in any wine or beer, anything under 55-60 degrees is masking flavor if the wine or beer in question actually has any ... test it for yourself, start of at refrigerator temp (40) then keep sampling it as it warms up. if it tastes the same (and with no complexity) after warming up a bit, then you see why they wanted so desperately for you to drink it cold

(most massed produced american lagers are diluted with rice rather than barley or wheat, and use little hops ... it's glorified water)

european beers have the most flavor; try stuff from the samuel smith brewery in england (taddy porter, nut brown ale, pale ale, oatmeal stout), hoegaarden "white beer" from belgium, or even a beck's (might be easiest to obtain) from germany, as well as warsteiner dunkel, weihenstephaner hefe weiss, and from the states genesee cream ale or sam adams brown ale. even a bass ale or guiness stout, though more mass market, is still great beer (combine both and make a black and tan for sh*ts and giggles).|||I love Coors Light, but only bottled and really cold as in ice cold. Try eating pretzels, cheddar snacks or pizza while drinking it....anything salty makes it taste better in my opinion.|||try to mix 2 tea spoons of coconut oil and some coke in it,its a nice combination!!

but mind it beer should be a strong one.|||First off, you're focusing on the wrong aspect of college. Just wanted to throw that out there. That said...

If you get sick off of liquer enough time you'll love beer because you won't be able to stand the taste, sight or smell of liquer.

Simply put beer is beer. Lite, dark, pales and reds all have different tastes. Microbrews are different than the larger distributors. I'd start with lite beers for a while but don't be affraid to try new things. Just go for it, thats what college is good for, new experiences.|||yes drink better beers, if i had to drink coors light i wouldnt drink lol. try some german hefeweisens- hacker pshorr, erdinger, franziskaner. or some fruit beers like sam adams cherry wheat or saranac summer beers|||The more you drink in a night, the better it tastes. Chug a Lug.|||Add a dash of pepper, or if you want to go real old school add a little tomatoe juice. You go to any fire hall or socail club you will see some old timers doing both of these.|||try pink beer it is awsome|||one drink that i came across the past few years in college is to add cheap orange juice to it. add however much you want to your taste. some people suggest corona, but there is a brand out there called tequiza i think which tastes kind of like corona but a little sweeter and i think that it's a malt liquor. they cost about as much as the girlier drinks such as smirnoff and mike's hard lemonade. some of my friends also made "red beers" but i didnt like those. i forgot what was in them.|||Try a good beer. Beer taste varies considerably. Try micro brews with a little color in them. Anything that says "american style lager" should be avoided like the plague.

While some of these larger brands are regional, they are good starting points.

- Shiner Bock

- Sam Adams

- ***** Modelo

- Dos Equis

- Bohemia

- Killian's Red

- Sam Adams

and the list goes on....

Of course then, if you're only 18, your choices might just be a touch limited, so let me share some advice my dad gave me when I was your age (and 18 was even legal then).

"Learn to drink, and like, black coffee. Wherever you go in life, odds are they will have coffee when they might have nothing else, even drinkable water. And black because they might not have anything to put in it." I've actually found this to be pretty true.|||Just Add 7 up to it!|||i don't care for the taste of beer either so i put salt in it and sometimes i squeeze lemon in it too. beer taste best when it's really really cold|||I just don't think you're ready for beer. Beer IS bitter. There are some sweeter ones out there, but you're going to have to buy a little classier than Coors.

Why not try wine? I drink wine daily with dinner. And after dinner too. Matter of fact, when I was in college wine was THE drink. Maybe because we would buy the cheapest we could find. Just wanted to party, know what I mean? Now, I drink moderately, but much better wines.

Good luck.|||Drink it really cold. Or put some lime in it, even a pinch of salt-but only after you have drank some of it so it doesn't fizz over. Or make a michilada

Tall beer glass with 3-4 ice cubes, two shots of tequilla, one lime squeezed in and toss in the lime and a beer. Drink half of it and refill with beer. After 1-2 beers, everything tastes good!!!|||First of all, I would branch out and taste beers from around the world. Hoogarrden is a great beer! Try some trappiste beers, (made by monks) Roquefort is a good one, Montagnard, and Chimay are also really nice. I don't know where you live but coors is horrible, it's like water. You might find that you like darker beers, if you have some micro-brews at your disposal you could try them. All beers are not created equally. You could also try adding syrups to them, like mint or grenadine, I know not too manly. If you find you really don't appreciate beer, you could drink scotch or fine rum or whiskey. :) Good luck!|||Yeah yeah youre too young, yet you need to know...Try tomato juice with beer, try Tabasco sauce with beer, try to eat a dill pickle between gulps, and ALWAYS gulp, Domestic beer was made to gulp. CHUG CHUG CHUG.

You should be able to down a long neck in two gulps.

The colder the better, however German beer should be drank cool for the full flavor.

But domestic beer is best ICE cold.

Always a longneck bottle and most of all always Miller Lite.

After a while you will find it is the smoothest going down and the easiest to come up when you have had too much.

Also, to avoid the dreaded hangover, drink a minimum of 12 oz of Ice cold water ever 2 longnecks. Yes, you will p your brains out, but with this tactic I have never had a hangover. When I have not done this, hales bell, my head pounded the next day.|||not to get off topic (and I am not one to judge by any means) but PLEASE drink in moderation... I attended a party when I was underage (19) that a close friend died at due to over consumption of alcohol. This is DEFINATLY something you do not want to expirence... that aside, generally most people like to add Lime, lemon or something else to thier beer, to reduce the bitter taste.... numerous things, tomato juice (Bloody Beer) water, whiskey, light beers usually have less of the bitter taste...|||Eat something salty with beer. It cuts the taste. That's why beer nuts are sometimes served at bars because of the salt.

Cheers!|||add clamato or tomato juice to it|||start off with a Bud|||Sorry but I'm going to say this anyway; you're too young to drink. Not gonna give you tips on how to make beer taste better.

Better yet, why don't you go to the local police station and ask them? Since you're headed off to college, maybe you should conserve your time between your studies and having fun. That way, you won't party all the time and not miss out on your schoolwork.

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