Friday, September 16, 2011

What does beer taste like and what does beer do to your body?

I have never had a beer? A friend has invited me to go to a bar around where he lives. He knows I don't drink he at least want's me to have one beer. Should I drink a little tonight?|||The most outstanding flavor is the bitterness from the hops. Big heavy beers will have a malt taste. The very light beers have a slight citrus taste and a very subtle hint of yeast. If you are trying many beers tonight you will get a good idea that beer has many flavors and it too hard to say beer taste like "this."|||Depends on the beer. Essentially, it tastes like bread or cereal, but the flavor profile goes much deeper than that. Most commercial beers are pretty one-sided and have a consistent flavor throughout. Craft and specialty beers can have an unlimited range of tastes and styles, and the flavors often change a bit depending on the temperature of the brew and the type of glass it is served in, even throughout the course of a single pint.

Probably a good idea to start with something non-threatening -- most domestic or Canadian lagers ie, Budweiser, Miller, Pabst, Molson, LaBatt, etc. are not too overwhelming on the palette. None of those brands in particular are favorites of mine, but they are far from being unpalatable.. and don't listen to the beer snobs until you've tried enough brews to form your own opinion and flavor preferences.

As for the effects on your body... well, beer is an alcoholic beverage and functions as such. I'm sure you can figure that part out.|||If it's legal for you to do so, sure. It's a new experience.

I personally don't like the taste of most alcoholic drinks. Beer is too bitter for me to enjoy. Wine often tastes like rancid grapes. I don't see why so many others enjoy the beverage.

And alcohol in general doesn't make me happy. It makes me sweat and it makes me sleepy. And that's a real bummer, because otherwise, I could totally get into the whole wine tasting thing, if I liked the taste of wine.

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