Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What type of beer glass should I use for Sam Adams Boston Ale?

Personally, I find drinking from a beer bottle takes away the experience of drinking the beer.

With that said, what type of beer glass should I use for American ales? Specifically Sam Adams Boston Ale?

Thanks!|||You are so right - an open faced glass or mug is the proper way to drink liquid bread.

I prefer the Imperial Pint shape myself, as shown in the link below, but any glass will do.

http://www.truebeer.com/Beer-Glass-Types鈥?/a>|||For some reason those metal mugs give a special taste to any beer . If that's not your cup of tea ( beer ) those tall Beer glasses from Ikea are nice , however I prefer plastic over glass only because after a few glasses dropping can happen .|||A good old fashioned pint glass works everytime.

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