Friday, September 16, 2011

What is the best beer magazine to subscribe to?

I want to get one of my groomsman who thinks of himself as a beer Connoisseur a subscription to a beer magazine. Just wondering which is the best one in terms of content including beer reviews, and also info on home-brewing. I was leaning towards Beer Advocate.|||I got my Husband Beer Advocate

It's only $19.99

I also got him

That one was $45 for 16 issue

He says for the "Home Brewing" go with Brew (BYO). If you want interesting articles and facts go with Beer Advocate|||Draft|||Beer Advocate is the best choice.|||BYO, and Zymurgy are two of my personal favorites. Those are more dedicated to the brewer. For someone who just enjoys I think "Draft" magazine is a great choice, lots of beer info and other topics to absorb.

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