Friday, September 16, 2011

How much beer and what kind for tomorrow?

I'm planning on having a little get-together with some buddies tomorrow and drinking. I'm wondering how much beer should i get to be buzzed but not drunk. I'm 6' 150lbs and the most alchol i've had before is 187ml of vodka and i threw up, so i wanna have less than that but in beer this time.

So how much beer and what kind?|||For your body weight, having between 3-4 standard drinks in an hour will put you at the legal limit of .08.

187ml of vodka, is just over 6 standard drinks. So if you had this in an hour then no wonder you threw up.

Depending on the length of time you're there, if you're going to be eating, if you're drinking anything else, you'll need more or less beer.

I'd suggest going for a 12 pack. That way if you're there for a few hours you don't run out of beer. Don't expect to drink the full 12.

Also do note that, it's NOT 3-4 drinks EACH hour... After each hour our bodies can process about one standard drink. So if you have three beers in an hour, after an hour you'll still have two drinks in your system. Drinking another 3 beers in that hour will put you well over the legal limit.

Also note that every person handles alcohol differently. I can drink a 26er of hard liquor in a few hours and be fine the next day.. if I have any more than 4 beers I'll be hurting the next morning. I say take it easy and in time you'll find your own limit. You'll start to recognize the feeling of getting buzzed, and how much more will make you sick.

Hope this helps

Cheers|||have you ever had beer before? I don't like beer, but I have recently tried alexander kieths and it doesn't taste bad... if you don't care about the taste of beer I would suggest to just get a domestic beer like bud or coors. if your buying beer for only yourself and not your friends too, than buy a 40 or a six pack, but don't drink the whole 6... 2-3|||either one tall can of 211 steel reserve is the perfect way to get a great buzz or high gravity

or you can share a 40 with someone|||1 glass of wine or 1 beer

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