I'm concerned for someone close to me. I've talked to them and they just get angry and retaliate and deny but they drink on a daily basis. Mainly beer now but it used to be harder alcohol. So how many beers a day considers you an alcoholic?|||to drink daily... is unhealthy at best. but is your friend able..to go without beer..when it is around. ? . if she says i am not going to drink..can she follow through.or if she says she is only going to have two..and ends up having ten. does she drink until she passes our or runs out? does she lack control. it is about a lot of things. tolerance._ does it take more or less for her to get drunk?.. how it interfers with daily life. has this person had arguments.. lost job.. missed work... or school. has this persons health been affected. personality change. getting angry when questioned about drinking is not good sign either. there are alcoholics.. who only drink on weekends. .or when they have money. sometimes one beer is too many. your friend may need some intervention . if this friend is young.. she may be abusing alcohol right now. but it would only be a matter of time. however you mentioned the hard liquor..so i would try to get professional help. are her family members concerned as well.?|||It has been proven that if you drink a beer a day, you have less chance of getting heart diseases than someone who never drinks. Beer is actually quite healthy for you, healthier than wine. Look it up on google. It only becomes unhealthy when you have more than 2 beers a day.
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|||And an alcoholic isn;t necessarily someone who drinks every day. An alcoholic is some one who depends on alcohol. So you could go get drunk every friday night and not drink for the rest of the week and be dependent on that one day of drinking to get you through the week. You would then technically
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|||be an alcoholic. If you drink every day and can go a day without having a beer no problem, then you are not an alcoholic.
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|||12 is considered a light alcoholic|||Being an alcoholic doesn't depend on how many drinks you have per day. Some people can drink every day and not be an alcoholic. Some people can just drink on special occasions and be an alcoholic. It depends on if you're addicted to it, if you go into blackouts, and if you can't stop once you start.|||they say in drug and alcohol that drinking more than twice a month is alcoholism. :-/|||probably 3 or more and also if there drunk alot of the time
expecially if there drunk more than there not :)
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