Friday, September 16, 2011

How long will the beer attract slugs?

So we have a slug problem in our garden currently. I put out several pop cans with beer in them and they are indeed catching slugs.

How long will the beer's smell continue to attract the slugs? Does the smell go away after a couple of days? Should I put out fresh beer after a few days?

Thanks!|||To catch snails or slugs in the garden pour the beer into a pie plate and submerge it so that the edges of the plate are at ground level. The snails and slugs crawl in and drown. Oh, but they die happy.

I would remove all the dead creatures in the morning (you will probably get a few earwigs too). Remove the pie plate of beer during the day and set it out again the next evening. The beer doesn't have to be fresh, you can use stale beer. I would use new beer for the traps after a few uses though.|||!its easier to put beer in a shallow dish or saucer, so that you can remove the slugs in the morning and re-use the beer till its disappeared!!!

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