Friday, September 16, 2011

What is the best beer to use when preparing beer battered brats?

I'm just looking for opinions on what beers people prefer their beer battered brats be prepared in. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!|||depends upon your likes and dislikes...

I would go with an amber beer or darker to add the extra flavor from the beer.

However, a lighter beer like a lager or pilsner would give you a little beer flavor, but a cleaner flavor of the brats.|||Here in Wisconsin (Home of the Brat) the choice seems to be Miller. Light enough not to hide the brat flavor, flavorful enough to bring out the beer essence. I use any available lager, I stay away from the Porters %26amp; Ales. I'd rather drink 'em than cook with 'em|||whatever beer you drink|||I like dark beer for this because it has more flavor. Lighter beers tend to have more delicate flavors (can I say beer and delicate in the same sentence?). Brats with beer are good too.

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