Friday, September 16, 2011

What do you beer amateurs consider a good, an exotic and a terrible beer?

I'll make comments on your answers so be careful. What do you consider a:

1) Good beer

2) Exotic beer

3) Terrible beer|||1) N盲rke Kaggen Stormaktsporter

2) Brewdog Tactical Nuclear Penguin

3) Anything brewed by Anheuser Busch or Coors|||1) Good beer

a good stout like

Stockyard Oatmeal Stout, goose island also makes a good one

i like a nice nut brown or amber also

2) Exotic beer

Tutankhamen Brew

supposedly based off some ancient egyptian recipe, and its about $500 for a bottle

3) Terrible beer

honestly, i can't stand budweiser, and i once had a horribly skunked Grolsch beer|||I like Cooper's as a good beer. Exotic would be beer with any fruit in it and I think I've even seen beer with chocolate in it. Terrible beer? Most of what the large breweries make. Little taste, and most of them give me a headache within a half hour of drinking just one of them|||1)

2) Organic Chocolate Stout

3) Bud|||1) Anything I brew, especially my bocks

2) Chimay

3) Corona|||1. Samuel Smith oatmeal stout

2. XinXu

3. Anything non-alchoholic|||1) San Lucas beer from El Salvador - a great daily drinker.

2) Huckleberry Ale from Coeur d'Alene Brewing Co.

3) Bud|||1). Pretentious Porter

2). Self-Conceited Cask Ale

3). Smug Stout|||1.Guinness

2.Samual Smiths - Winter

3.Red Stripe...terrible|||1. natty light

2. natty ice

3. ummm, is there such thing as terrible beer?|||1. Sam Adams

2. Organic Chocolate Stout

3. Hams (yuck!)

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