Friday, September 16, 2011

Do lite beer make your stomach get bigger? What is the best tasting beer with less fat?

I like to drink beer. But I dont want to lose my flat stomach like most beer drinkers do. Do most beer drinkers get beer bellies because regular beer has so mach fat? If you only drink lite beer with less fat in it, will it still make your stomach bigger over time? Also what is the best tasting beer with less fat?|||Beer doesn't have any fat.(鈥?/a>

Beer bellies come from the extra calories from the alcohol and other ingredients in the beer.

Also most people eat more while they are drinking and the loss of inhibition allows you to eat stuff you would not normally eat and lots more of it.

Don't be fooled by "light beer" some of them have more calories than regular brands.

If you can believe the commercials MGD 64 has the fewest calories|||Either it is a lite beer or strong beer, all have fats in it. Other reason of fat is the fast food like - finger chips, dry munchurain. channa masala etc which you have taken along with beer. It will greatly impact to your health and make you fatty. Once you will gain the fat then it is next impossible thing to burn it in a short period of span. Please don't start it and if you have already started then make a habit of regular exercise because it will help you to keep fit and feel better.|||Beer is made from grain, hops, water and yeast. So the fat content is pretty slim, about as much as a slice of bread. anyway the drinkers that get the beer belly have it from over indulging and not working out enough. Depending how you drink changes whether lite beer is good for you or not, if you drink mildly then yes lite beer nay help but if you drink to get drunk light beer isn't that helpful since its low in alcohol content.|||NO beer has fat it in. What puts on weight is the carbohydrate content. So you would be looking for a low carb beer, but still if you drink enough u will put on weight. I drink heaps of beer but dont get far, I suppose it depends on what you eat aswell and iif you exercise..

I dont know what country you are from so i dont know what beer they sell over there, but here in Australia the best low carb beers are pure blonde and hahn super dry

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