Friday, September 16, 2011

What is the best tasting beer available?

Also if you can, please tell me what happens to a beer when it's past it's expiration date? I have tried rob hook (copper hook spring brew), and 2 different michelob brews. These were past there due date so it could explain the bad taste, but what is the best tasting beer though? There are so many varieties to try, but I don't want to waste my time with bad stuff. What does a good beer taste like?|||Aussie Coopers Ale!!|||Try a nice scoona of VB they go alrite i dont mind crown larger two : )

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|||Miller High Life

Dude beer goes bad after it has been in the frig for 6 months.

The reason is because beer is a cooked pasteurized product that is lacking in any stabilizers to hold the alcohol or the fizz in over time since it is not fermented. It gets flat and lame after 6 months.|||Two Bay Area breweries are my favorite: Gordon Biersch and Anchor Steam.|||I have to say that Lienkugel Summer Shandy has to be the best beer hands down. It is a seasonal beer, and not available everywhere, but I have never tasted a better beer anywhere.|||First of all, realize that the big three of American Beers are not beer at all...they are as someone stated, diet beer. Budweiser, Coors and Miller are yellow water.

If you want to taste real American Beer, try Sam Adams, Anchor Steam, Sierra Nevada, North Coast Brewery, Gordon Birsch, Stone Brewery or Rogue Brewery. The best American beer product I have tasted is from a brewery called Allagash. They make Belgian style beer outta Portland, Maine. They do very well at what they do.

England has a handful of good beers from Greene King, Samuel Smith and Young's. They have great beers you should give a try like Oatmeal and Chocolate Stouts, which are delicious alternatives to the Irish Guinness beers.

The best beers in the world however, are from Germany and Belgium. For Germany, you can't go wrong with Paulaner, which is the king of Oktoberfest. Ayinger and G. Schneider and Son are also terrific choices. They make a broad variety. The best I've tasted from Germany which is harder to find outside German American communities is Augustiner Brau...mind you these are company brands with many different varieties. The ones I stated are much better than St. Paulie's Girl, Beck's or the often confused for German, Heineken, which is actually Dutch.

As for Belgian, the most well know is probably Stella Artois, Chimay and Hoegaarden, but these are far from the best. The middle line is probably Leffe as an intro and move on to Duvel, Piraat, and La Chouffe. If there's one thing you will find with Belgian beers, its high alcohol content. Most are in the 7% to as much as 11%!! Try a Delirium Tremens, the one with the pink elephants. If you find them too expensive, just remember, a bottle at the store is still cheaper than a pint at the bar.

You can usually find these beers at a Beverages %26amp; More store in California and now Arizona. All the beers I stated above should be poured in a pint glass or cognac snifter if possible to release the bouquet of hops that fermented in the bottle. For more info on great beers, check out Or even better, if you can track one down, find a bar called The Yard House...they have many locations in the US and keep about 150 beers from all over the world on tap. YUMMY!

There are others I didn't mention, but I don't wanna give away all the secrets. You will have to find out for yourself. Its lotsa fun and you will find these days, its a more sensible investment to wine, contrary to social stigma in America today. I'm gonna go grab a Leffe out the fridge now.|||Labatt Blue|||Beer is an aquired taste but once you get it it's very good. First your beer should be 42 degrees. That's when it's best. As for what kind Sam Adams Lager is a very good one but mostly you have to sample different ones to find the one that suites your individual taste.|||miller chill and sminoff beer|||Ok, first off, beers like Coors, Miller, Bud Light and Budweiser are beers that were created in the U.S. during the 70's as... diet beers. These words just don't belong together. Also, these beers are created to fit a large market as opposed to a smaller market with more specific wants. They are also made with corn or rice with the soul intention of lightening the flavor and that is why the rest of the beer world looks down on these beers.

I wish I had a specific beer for you but the truth is, beers are as diverse as the cultures they come from. The only thing I recommend is, try different beers and stick with beers other than the American Lagers (Bud Light and others).

I tend to like Ales more than lagers. Lagers tend to be smoother lighter beers (in flavor and color, but not always) while the the ales have more complex flavors and are usually darker. On a world wide scale lagers are more common but ales seem to be making a come back.|||budlight

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