I am having a party and bought many cases of bottled beer. From experience I know that much beer gets wasted because someone puts their bottle down next to a bunch of other bottles on the table, and because they don't remember which one is theirs that take another fresh one leaving a half drank beer wasted. At the end of the night, I have to dump dozens of half drank beers. Such a waste. How do I prevent that from happening?|||geez, sounds like they shouldn't set their bottle down till it's finished, or don't be a puss and pick up the bottle with the most still in it.
or just get a couple of cases of PBR for $10 and make em drink that lol..|||I've had the same problem. I have 2 ways to work that out without spoiling the mood of the party. First, you can clean up the empties during the party. Pick up empties off of the tables when you see them. There's less to clean up at the end of the night, and people don't get confused about which is theirs. Also, if you put around a bunch of recycling cans for the empty bottles, people will be more likely to put them in the cans when they have empties.
Another suggestion is to give everybody a bottle koozie when they come in. You can get them in quantity for about 40 cents each, and you can have them printed with some witty saying for just a little more. If you give everybody a koozie, they're likely to try to hang onto it, and less likely to lose their beer. I did that once at a party, and hardly found any half empty beers the next day. Get a few different colors so that people can remember, "mine is the red one." The koozies will pay for themselves in beers, and people will have something to remember the party afterwards.
Hope one of these works for you! Have fun!|||play a drinking game where they have to finish the entire bottle BEFORE they can get another.
a personal fav: grab a deck of cards. Sit down (doesnt freaking matter how) Person left of dealer calls out a suit (we'll say hearts) Dealer passes out a card to each player until some one gets a heart (lets say someone gets a heart with the number 5 on it) The person AFTER the one who got the hearts starts off by saying 1. You go until you get to 5. While everyone is counting the person who got the 5 of hearts drinks and keeps drinking until they reach the number (in this case 5) BEFORE he/she puts his/her bottle down they MUST call another suit (spades, diamonds, clubs, heart) and so on and so forth.
so you have 1-10 then jack (11) queen (12) king (13) and ace (14)
now if the person finishes off there drink before everyone is done counting the Last person who didnt say a number MUST drink the point value starting at 1 (so if it was the 5 of hearts everyone starts counting again)|||High Life is better than PBR and not much more expensive. Or you make it a byob, but you have a couple pizzas (or trays with cold cuts + fresh fruit?) so that people have something to eat to accompany the alcohol.
This way guests are more responsible not only for how much they drink but also their own drinks. And there's a better chance they'll stay hydrated and lessens the chance of having them get drunk.
Kegs are practical if everyone likes the same stuff. From there serve it in plastic cups, as if anyone drops a glass bottle it can break, and if someone steps on it .. see what I'm getting at?)|||Get a keg(s). Make your guys help pay. Bottled beer at big parties is a nice thought, but people 'forget' and are wasteful because they know there's more and they aren't paying for it.
You might consider beer 'koozys' and make everyone write there name on theirs so they don't get forgotton.|||make sure everyone has a coozie (hope you know what that is--one of the foam things you put around the beer to prevent thermal exchanges between the hand and the liquid inside--keeps beer cold and hand warm). if everyone has a different coozie they will be able to tell which one is theres--it works for me.|||Start playing "wounded soldier". If you find an unfinished beer, pick it up and yell "Wounded soldier!" and the person closest to you without a drink has to drink it right away. At least the beer will get drunk and maybe people will start taking care of their drinks.|||Find a way to get it in marked cups. I use beer mugs I got in Germany, that are almost too strong to break. No one likes loosing their beer. There are also those people who don't finish their beer because it is to warm. Force them to drink under threat of constant taunting.|||dont serve beer at partys have byob parties serve beer not help your self pour all the wasted beer into bottles cap them and serve them at the next party party at someone elses house|||Make them bring you the empty bottle before you give them a new one.|||Tell them to buy their own beer|||get new friends or get better beer
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